The simple food safety guide to SALSA certification
An introduction to SALSA
Safe and Local Supplier Approval (SALSA) is a food safety certification system for smaller food producers and manufacturers. It is a standard designed to ensure that food that is produced is legal and safe.
Food businesses with SALSA approval must continually prove that they are meeting the standards expected as the certification must be renewed annually.
For small food businesses that want to supply large retailers such as supermarkets or caterers, SALSA is often the standard that is required and expected.
Official SALSA auditors must be registered with The Institute of Food Science and Technology and undertake the accreditation visit independently against the relevant SALSA standard.
It is a recognised industry certification
Assures customers that food is safe and legal
Helps to put robust food safety procedures and systems in place including traceability, food fraud, supplier approval etc.
Includes business details in the SALSA register which can help win new customers
Has different SALSA standards to suit different business and sectors including SALSA PLUS cheese, beer or ice-cream
How to prepare for the SALSA audit.
“‘Planning is bringing the future to the present so you can do something about it now’”
Follow the Pre audit SALSA checklist and download the relevant SALSA standard to make sure you are meeting ALL the requirements BEFORE you book the audit. You must be a member of the SALSA scheme to apply and pay the relevant membership fee.
SALSA recommend that you get extra help and support from a food safety consultant or sign up to the SALSA mentoring service to help you prepare for the audit.
Smaller food businesses that apply for SALSA don't always have food safety expertise in house. However they usually have practices and procedures in place, but they are not always fully documented. Sometimes it is difficult to put onto paper what is in your head and that you are doing in practice every day!
There may be systems or procedures that you don’t have in place or those that are not to the SALSA standard. Your food safety consultant can help to identify them and put new or updated procedures in place.
Having a food safety expert by your side will help you to focus and keep on track. It will make sure that you are ready for the scheduled SALSA audit when the time comes.
How can Food Safety Logic help you?
To help you prepare and plan for the official SALSA audit we will:
do an onsite audit to familiarise ourselves with your business activities
review your existing documentation against the current relevant SALSA audit standard and identify any gaps or areas for improvement
support you in updating your existing documents, policies and procedures using a template pack that reflects the SALSA audit
do a pre-audit prior to the official audit
accompany you on the day of the official SALSA audit (if required)
provide ongoing support following certification (if required)
Want to know more?
If you would like to find out more about SALSA and how our food safety experts have helped one of our valued customers to achieve their SALSA approval. Read the case study on Charles Martell & Son specialist cheesemakers and find out how you too can take the leap in your business to gaining SALSA approval that could take your business to the next level.