Food Safety Logic

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Helping you to cut through the jargon of food safety terms

As in most industries or areas of work, there are a lot of terms and acronyms used in the world of food safety.

This can make things appear complicated and confusing. This is because there are many terms used which are unfamiliar and specialised and are not used in common language.

Here is a glossary of common terms and definitions used when talking about food safety management or HACCP (see below for a definition!!) systems.

Hopefully this will help to demystify food safety so it doesn't sound like a foreign language.

It will also help you when putting your food safety documentation together or when talking to a food safety consultant or food inspector.

Glossary of food safety terms

Calibration A method of checking a piece of equipment is working to a set standard e.g. temperature probe, scales.

Cleaning in Place (CIP) Cleaning methods used usually for large pieces of equipment in food manufacturing that can not be dismantled or moved to clean them.

Codex Alimentarius Set up by the World Health Organization (WHO) and  the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) to develop food safety standards and guidance.

Corrective Action Action to take if something goes wrong or when a critical control point is not met.

Critical Control Point (CCP) The point at which something must be done to get rid of or reduce a food safety hazard to an acceptable level

Critical Limit A standard that must be met to make food safe usually laid down in legislation or guidance e.g. cooking food to 75°C for 30 seconds to kill harmful bacteria (FSA)

Decision Tree example by Codex (updated 2023) or Campden Bri, they are a set of questions designed to help identify critical control points as part of the HACCP process.

Flow Diagram A step by step plan of the food operation/production from start to finish.

HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) plan A documented food safety management system to help control hazards to produce safe food.

HACCP principles The 7 standards that must be followed to produce safe food.

Hazard Analysis A system that identifies hazards that are significant to a food's safety and the controls to prevent the hazards happening.

Food Safety Hazard Something related to food that can make consumers ill or harm them e.g. bacteria, physical objects, chemicals and allergens.

Food safety risk The likelihood that something in food will harm consumers.

Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) Established methods used in food manufacturing to ensure food is handled safely e.g. storage of raw and cooked food.

Linear HACCP Plan - for one product from raw materials to the finished product.

Modular HACCP Plan - grouping of modules for similar processes or products e.g. ready meals, blast chilling.

Monitoring Methods of checking that food safety controls are being followed e.g. checking fridge temperatures.

Operational Pre Requisites Program (OPRP) Methods or controls to reduce the likelihood of a food safety hazard happening that are NOT critical e.g. metal detection.

Pre Requisites Program (PRP) Procedures or standards put in place to create a safe environment for food production e.g. handwashing, pest control, premises layout and construction, cleaning and maintenance.

Probability The likelihood of a food safety risk happening.

Risk Assessment Matrix Used to help evaluate potential food safety risks in terms of probability and severity.

Safer Foods Better Business (SFBB) A food safety management system template produced by the Food Standards Agency for small businesses.

Severity How badly someone could be harmed if food is not safe e.g. stomach ache, hospitalisation, death.

Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) A set of step by step instructions to help produce safe food e.g. how to use a Vacuum Packing machine, cleaning procedures etc.

Validation Using scientific proof to make sure that food safety hazards will be controlled by the  HACCP plan   e.g. using  E-coli guidance to prevent cross contamination, microbiological testing.

Verification Evidence that if the HACCP plan is followed then safe food will be produced e.g. temperature monitoring, internal and supplier auditing