Get ahead of the game on food allergens

Taking responsibility for food allergens

Customers with allergies need accurate information about the food they are eating and also the reassurance that cross contamination is being managed properly.

As a food business operator you need to:

  • Know which food you serve or sell contains the 14 identified food allergens 

  • Consider the potential for cross-contamination, and

  • Put in place practical allergen management controls to keep customers safe. 

  • ASK ABOUT ALLERGENS to start the conversation with customers

A burger showing what allergens it might contain

Food Businesses need to comply with the Food Information Regulations and take responsibility for allergens.

To help your staff to give accurate allergen information to customers and to avoid cross contamination do the following: 

  • Put in place and monitor food allergen controls at each step of food production  

  • Review and revise allergen information when ingredients or recipes change

  • Have a procedure for preparing food for customers with food allergies and display these rules in the kitchen for staff to refer to

  • Train ALL staff from the kitchen porter to the executive chef in food allergen awareness so they fully understand the risk to customers with food allergies (this must not be a tick box exercise!)

  • Provide accurate and up to date allergen information in a food allergen matrix or on the menu

  • Provide helpful advice to customers about any cross contamination risk using prominent signage on menus or in the service area

  • Check allergen labelling on food is available and correct

  • Check cleaning and handwashing is being done correctly to help prevent cross contamination of allergens

Chefs preparing and cooking food in a busy kitchen

Roles and responsibilities of kitchen staff in food allergen management

To keep customers with allergies safe kitchen staff need to handle food carefully and manage cross contamination of allergens. They need to know what allergens are in the food they are making so they can produce accurate information. And finally be able to have conversations about allergens so they can pass accurate information to front of house staff and managers.

You should consider putting in place the following allergen management controls at each step in the production of food in your business. Also make sure you write everything down in your Food Safety Management System so staff can refer to it and to demonstrate you are managing allergens in your food business. 

Our EHO Top tips:

  • Write these controls down in your HACCP system.

  • Include them in your weekly management check so you can keep an eye on where or when things aren't going to plan so you can do something about it. 

  • Talk to your staff about allergens regularly during formal, on the job training or shift meetings.


  • Using approved suppliers

  • Checking ingredient labels on delivery

  • Rejecting  substitutions and changes to products ordered if allergen information is not provided by suppliers

  • Rejecting unapproved products or those with missing labels

  • Rejecting split packs

  • Buying last minute items only from supermarkets 

  • Obtaining allergen matrices from suppliers

  • Making sure food is separated during transport to avoid cross contamination


  • Labelling loose or decanted ingredients with the allergen they contain

  • Cleaning up spillages promptly

  • Using dedicated containers for allergens and clean thoroughly between uses

  • Storing allergens in lidded/sealed and labelled containers

  • Ensuring all products are adequately covered/wrapped during storage.


  • Only using standard recipes 

  • Updating allergen information for daily specials and when a recipe or ingredient changes

  • Preparing dishes for customers with food allergies in a dedicated or separate part of the kitchen

  • Cleaning the area thoroughly with hot soapy water to remove any food allergens present

  • Wearing protective clothing e.g. gloves/aprons

  • Washing hands thoroughly before preparing food for customers with food allergies

  • Correct labelling of allergens on prepacked for Direct Sale food


  • Checking cooking oils for allergens which may be hidden

  • Labelling decanted oil in containers

  • Using a dedicated fryer for either allergenic or non-allergenic products and labelling it

  • Using spill trays under dishes

  • Putting non-allergenic products above food allergens in the oven

  • Using dedicated/colour coded utensils/boards

  • Using dedicated probes.

Special Care/Service

  • Taking care with food allergens used as casual garnishes (for example chopped nuts, eggs, salad dressings)

  • Not placing food allergens and non-allergens onto the same serving dishes (buffets etc.)

  • Labelling plated food with allergens if stored prior to service

  • Holding a staff meeting prior to service to pass on  ingredient/menu changes

If you need help with managing food allergens in your business contact one of our EHO consultants.


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